CAE Credential

Are you thinking about sitting for the CAE exam and become a Certified Association Executive? Below are a few details about the CAE designation and resources available to you.

The Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation has become the pinnacle to strive for among association professionals nationwide. The program is designed to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance, and designate association professionals who demonstrate the knowledge essential to the practice of association management.

MSAE CAE Prep Course: The Michigan Society of Association Executives provides CAE Prep Courses, and as a TNSAE member, you may register for these programs at the member rate. Click here to visit the MSAE website for more information on their incredible program - including a Full Prep Course, a Concentrated Course, and a Cram Course.  

TNSAE SCHOLARSHIP: Oct. 15 Application Deadline

The TNSAE CAE Scholarship is designed to assist an association professional in gaining the American Society of Association Executive (ASAE) designation of Certified Association Executive (CAE). Recipients of the scholarship will receive up to $1,000 to defray the out-of-pocket expenditures related to taking the CAE, including the application fee, study course registration, and the standard CAE study materials. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage and further develop a sense of professionalism among executives and staff of Tennessee associations, and encourage association executives to study for the CAE credential.

Deadline: October 15, 2024
Announcement of Scholarship Recipient: November 13th during the TNSAE Convention in Chattanooga
Application: click here for application

Congratulations to:
2023 Recipient: Roland Myers, CAE with Tennessee Retail Association
2022 Recipient: Amy Campoli with Tennessee Medical Association